Show Review: Biff Got Killed & the Wyrds

Biff Got Killed & the Wyrds at Ritual Records

Written by: Autumn Summer

Biff Got Killed: Instagram | Linktree

The Wyrds: Instagram | Spotify

Friday, February 2nd, Ritual Records welcomed local bands Biff Got Killed and The Wyrds to their humble space to perform. I wasn’t really knowing what to expect but expectations were exceeded from both bands. There wasn’t much of a crowd in between the aisles of CD’s and records which really gave the people that were there the chance to really tune in to each band and each song. 

Biff Got Killed was first to perform. Their sound is comparable to Psychedelic Porn Crumpets with their sound best described as psychedelic stoner rock. The bass was super gazey and mellow while the drums played in between rock and grunge. Their vocalist had a sturdy yet soft voice which really complemented the sound as a whole. 

The Wyrds was a full 180 from the psychedelic sounds of B.G.K but completely fit the vibe. Described as “mythological post punk”, they are a classic riot punk band. Consistently poking fun at the ‘system’ and political topics, the lead singer really portrayed her emotions through her singing. It was rowdy, mild, loud and pulpy. The sound of The Wyrds heavily reminded me of Mannequin Pussy. The energy of the whole band I feel though, would’ve been much better suited at a venue such as Karate Church or Make.shift. The Wyrds deserve an energetic audience and didn’t receive that at all.


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